Tag: Society
New on preventhate.org | Policyinstitute.net, 28 June 2024
preventhate.org |Policyinstitute.net
Avoiding Physical Harm in Counter-Terrorism (CT)
In December 2018, I advocated against the unlawful use of kinetic weapons, as well as against the use of unconventional weapons, in counter-terrorism efforts worldwide….
Hate Speech Laws and Social Media Companies
The German government cabinet has passed a tougher stance against hate speech. What makes sense about the legal project, in Germany and elswhere, is to…
Speaking Out Against Terrorism
When a person is on his way to rehabilitate from manifest hate or violent extremism, it is often helpful to give him some time. One…
Appreciative Communication
The summary introduction of the Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict states that aggression can be realized through language. While I agree, I have made…
How the 9/11 and 7/7 Terror Attacks Have Hurt UK Muslims
Islamophobia existed prior to 9/11, but levels of discrimination and violence rose after the violent events. In reaction, implicit racism remained considerable long afterwards. Similarly,…